To The Water’s Edge We Must Go

Water is my happy place. The gentle movement and soft sounds of the sea have a profound effect on me. On us all. I discovered, from an early age, the sea’s ability to bring presence and peace to a busy mind. Without thinking, I would automatically head to the water’s edge when the going got tough. I had a special spot, by the Solent, where I grew up.

I said goodbye to my Dad there - in fact, I took the above photo on that day. It’s a photo I’ll forever cherish, his gentle spirit so clearly calling to me through the clouds. It’s the spot I found myself drawn to when I lost my job and had no clue what to do next.

On my 40th birthday, a few months after the first lockdown eased, my closest childhood friend and I met there for a slice of her wonderful homemade cake. As kids it was our reconciliation place–where we’d meet to make up after falling out. Or if we needed to a shoulder to cry on. Most likely because of a boy. It was where we’d hash it all out. Where we’d fix whatever had been broken. It’s a tradition we’ve upheld for nearly 30 years–and one I hope we’ll uphold for another 30.

Nestled right at the point where Hill Head and Lee-on-Solent meet, it’s a special place, that little spot. By the water’s edge.

Together, We Lift One Another

The water’s edge is a place for space. For deep contemplation. A place to ask questions and seek answers. A place to find a sense of calm, or even a place to meet the wild when we’re having our own rough and stormy day.

Is it any wonder we’ve collectively turned to the water’s edge during the pandemic?

When I first set out to create SUP & Soul, a key part of my mission was to find ways to offer the gift of water and nature to others. This was pre-pandemic. I had no idea then just how much the world would need nature’s healing superpower.

Fast forward 18 months and suddenly there’s a profound yearning for it. A deep need to get to the water’s edge.

Since the summer of 2020, that’s just what the SUP & Soul team have been doing. We’ve been teaching people to paddle board and hosting retreats by the water’s edge. It’s been awe-inspiring. We’ve had some seriously incredible women (men and children too!) join us on the water. In the water. By the water.

Women who started paddling and wild swimming in their mid 70s. Women who were lifted over life’s hurdles with the support of the water. Friendships have sprung. Major life shifts have occurred. It’s powerful stuff.

An Opportunity to Give Back

Last summer we had our first opportunity to offer nature’s gift for free. Thanks to all of the women who joined our Water & Wellness Experience days we had enough in the pot to host our first complimentary day using our Pay It Forward scheme. This is a day where we invite a local organisation, one that works hard to support our local community, to join us by the water’s edge. We then tailor our Water & Wellness experience and give the team a day out to remember. It’s our way of lifting others and giving back to our community. In July 2021 we welcomed the Access and Outreach team from RISE to the water’s edge–where they found relaxation, reconnection and renewal.

RISE is a registered charity that works hard to support girls and women affected by domestic abuse across Sussex. As our Water & Wellness experiences centre women, and the feminine energy, it felt right that our first Pay It Forward day should be for those who support the girls and women of our local community.

2021 had brought with it a number of significant hurdles for the team at RISE from organisational restructures to funding losses and all while experiencing a surge in demand–exacerbated by the pandemic. The team were in real need of some TLC and soul revival from nature.

Bringing Teams Together

With the support of Naomi from RISE, we coordinated and hosted 13 women from their team at Weir Wood Reservoir. We gave the team time to bond and reconnect after home-working for so long. They each tried something new from life coaching to paddle boarding and some even had a taste of SUP yoga with a gentle meditation.

We got off to an unexpected wet start with a sudden and unforecast downpour but we worked together as a team to create a makeshift shelter…only for the rain to stop as soon as it was ready. Typical. We took it in our stride though, funny how a sudden shower can quickly bring people together.

I had a fantastic day out with SUP & Soul. It was an empowering women’s space to relax, and reconnect with friends and colleagues, while having my first paddle boarding lesson. Cami is a great coach as I didn’t fall in once and got some great manoeuvring moves under my belt. Highly recommend!” 

What an incredible day out, I feel absolutely refreshed and renewed. Having space to think about myself and who I am in such gorgeous surroundings did me the world of good.

That day rates as one of the best days! I didn’t expect to get on a paddle board and yet I did! The yoga on a paddle board was so exceptional -  and beautiful! 

And here are some piccies from the day…it wasn’t actually as cold as it looks!

Naomi Shares her Thoughts

“The RISE access and outreach team work with high risk victim/survivors of domestic abuse. The team had been working incredibly hard throughout the pandemic, adapting to working remotely from home, away from their colleagues - dealing with the impact of living through a global pandemic. During this time we saw incidents of domestic abuse increase significantly while opportunities to provide support and safety to families in desperate need decreased. Throughout all of this, the team never gave up on their dedication and determination to support families experiencing domestic abuse, to become safe. And this is what they achieved, for many women and children.

Sadly, at the end of March RISE were not successful in their bid to continue to provide the high risk domestic abuse service for Brighton and Hove and so the Access and Outreach team found themselves in a position of having to say goodbye to colleagues and move on to pastures new. Some of the team went to the new provider where they continued to support the city’s victims/survivors, some stayed at RISE taking on new roles while others moved on to work for other services - mostly still in the VAWG (violence against women and girls) sector. 

This is when the wonderful women at SUP & Soul so generously offered to take us out for the day to relax, rejuvenate and reflect on our time at RISE and on all of the incredible work that had been done.

It was the first time in 3 months that we’d all come together and it was such an incredible and unforgettable day and was the most perfect way to thank the team for all of the incredible work they’d done over the years and to say goodbye and wish each other the best for many more years working to improve the lives of women and children affected by domestic abuse.

We can’t thank SUP & Soul enough for such a wonderful day out at the beautiful reservoir.”

The RISE team practice their self rescue skills after exploring the reservoir by paddle board

I want to say a massive THANK YOU to the team at RISE for all you have done and for all you continue to do in our community. And also for saying yes to joining us by the water and trying something totally new. We hope the memory is one you will hold dear.

And before I go one last more big THANK YOU to the rest of the SUP & Soul team who helped make this day happen. Without you we couldn’t have pulled it all together - special thanks to Brendan at Weir Wood Reservoir, Thea of Bold Soul Coaching, Claudine of Seascape Blue, Faye of Sacred SUP and my SUP & Soul sista, Clare. You are a very special bunch indeed.

Much love,

Cami x

PS - one last photo of Claudine and the gang rounding off the day with a lil wild floaty dip in the reservoir…

Could your organisation benefit from our Pay It Forward scheme?

If you work for a purpose driven organisation–be it a CIC, a charity, an NFP, an NGO, a social enterprise or anything in between–we’re offering organisations that make a positive contribution to our community the chance for a free day out. Or at least a heavily subsidised day out–depending on the type of organisation.

If you and your team could do with some time out in nature, to reconnect by the water’s edge then get in touch and let’s explore how we can make that happen in 2022.

Drop us over an email by clicking on the button below and telling us about you and your organisation, how your work supports our local community and why you think a day out in nature might help your team. We’ll take it from there.

And if you’re a for-profit, purpose driven organisation looking to bring your team out in to nature then feel free to also get in touch–after all, it’s organisations like yours that help contribute to our Pay It Forward scheme!


A little (ok a lot!) about me - Camilla, your SUP & Soul host


Rivers Are Important, Let’s Protect Them